Saturday, January 13, 2007

Election Night Bush Bash

November. 2006

I’m sitting here watching the election returns on CNN, and CBS, and MSNBC, and all the others, and I’m watching as the Democrats take control of Congress, and despite of having declared myself mostly Republican all my life, I’m thankful that the results are coming in as they are.

President Bush’s dictatorial, Constitution-bending, illicit war-mongering, lying administration has just about destroyed the country, and something had to be changed to stop him. His incompetence has become laughable. His arguable criminality becomes more logical as facts overwhelm supposition and suspect intent becomes inarguable.

The cold, hard statements of the preceding paragraph would have taken my very breath away not too long ago.

Can America reverse its course, become respected in the eyes of the world once more, and make us proud to be Americans again? Honorable? Beyond reproach? Can the democrat dominated Congress become Administrators of the American way? Will anyone stand up and do something right?

Hopefully, it’s not too late.

On an unrelated note, good progress is being made regarding the cost estimates for the Great Mexican Wall. Preliminary guesses of 10-12 billion dollars have been refined and declared to be more accurately in the 40-45 billion dollar range.

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